"Kim W5TIT" wrote:
Hey, Dwight? Have you had any more problem with
my news messages? I know at one point you said
that you'd changed servers and didn't seem to be
having any more. How's it been?
Your messages are showing up just fine now, Kim. As I said, I switched to
a new ISP yesterday morning and that seems to have at least solved my
problem. I was even able to go back and read your older messages that could
not be read with the old ISP.
I'm also seeing replies to my messages (from other people) that I've not
seen before. I didn't know these people had even replied to my messages. It
appears my old ISP was also cutting out a lot of messages before I could
even read them.
On a side note, I'm also getting much faster connection speeds with the
new ISP. Earthlink is a little more expensive than some of the local ISP's,
but it appears to be worth the extra expense (at least for me).
Dwight Stewart (W5NET)