Antisocial Hams- The Reason People Turn Away
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August 7th 03, 10:16 AM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a
(Vshah101) wrote in message ...
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP)
And YOU think that just because no one had taken the picture off
the webpage that that's ALL they do???
You're right. That's a reasonable explanation. Alot of times I have seen old
info stay on several websites. The same thing could have happened on their
In otherwords: "I can't provide a reasonable alternative".
What I am willing to bet is that if Vippy takes someone to a
Hamfest, the third party is likely to say "What the heck are you
talking about...these are just good people having fun",
That's possible, but not probable. (SNIP)
It's most likely, unless the third party you take is a relative
of yours.
They will probably notice that its mostly older males right away. )SNIP)
So are the Knights of Columbus, The Shriners, and a long list of
other social organizations I can think of...So what?
Also, if I invite them on a Hamfest that continues to
Fri, Sat night, then I'll bet they will wonder why the Hams are operating
rather than doing what most people do.
"..what most people do"...?!?!
It's ABOUT Amatuer Radio, Vipul...The event is organized FOR
Amateur Radio operators by Amateurs and OPERATING radios.
If you go to a NASCAR event, "most people" are watching or racing
fast cars. If you go to a rock concert, they are listening/watching a
band play music.
Why do you fail to comprehend that Amateur Radio is ABOUT
operating radios??? It's not about sightseeing, meeting preety fems,
or discussing dietary habits.
I know of a couple of Hamfests coming up
in late August. One of those had the Wouff Hong ceremony you had top wait three
hours for (no activities scheduled in between).
Well by golly why don't YOU go organize a sightseeing trip or get
Jenny Craig to come in and give a presentation...???
What would the non-Ham observer think of that?
What does it matter, Vipul? The event was not organized for "the
non-ham observer". It was organized for the licensed Amateur
that hams set out for an operating activity and then waste that time by
operating or you being under the impression that your travel to a
domestic location was a "DXpedition".
Comes to America then wonders why
America isn't like the place he left.
At a DXpedition, that's would most (non-Ham) Americans would expect in
(American) society.
It doesn't matter what a "non-ham" thinks about it, Vipul. If a
"non-ham" is looking for any of the aforementioned distractions, then
they are free to do them. Amateur Radio is ABOUT operating radios.
Most (non-Ham) Americans would of course expect operating activities, but not
the whole day and night (with the only breaks for eating alot). Especially at a
vacation spot. A few weeks ago, at the club's cookout, one female person even
asked "Is operating all you did, you didn't go to the beach or anything?". I
doubt you'll see her at next year's event.
Well that's too bad. You had better run along an catch her,
Vippy! You and her have something in common! A complete lack of
understanding of what the event is all about.
Most (non-Ham) Americans would expect the Hams would take a break from
operating on Sat night. They would be surprised and disappointed otherwise.
Why? Why should "they" expect Amateurs to stop doing the very
thing the special even was organized to do...?!?!
Steve, K4YZ
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