Floyd Davidson wrote in message ...
"Herb" wrote:
FAA is NOT FCC, now you get it?
Herbie, I understood right to begin with that you've gotten
off your meds again.
Why do so many of you folks get so excited about denying that
the FCC has a rather sophisticated national spectrum monitoring
Actually when you think about it the FCC is only one player in the
monitoring loop Floyd. NSA, the DoD and the CIA have and have had
monitoring capabilities which make the FCC's look quite lame in
comparison. They have massive spook sites globally plus who knows how
many satellites snooping everywhere. Lookit how they've even tuned in
terrorist cell phones recently. Whizzy scary! These guys historically
could have cared less about digging up the bull****-level SW & FM
pirates, they have bigger fish to fry.
But then along comes this Homeland Security drill. One of if not the
primary thrust of the Homeland Security Dept. is to stitch together
assets which have not been working with each other in the past.
Including the various monitoring assets of course. And the networking
technology is in place.
It's obvious that if they gave a rat's patooie about pirates the FCC
can probably tap into the spook monitoring assets at will in addition
to using their own. Thus it is that the monitoring threat to pirates
has ratcheted up enormously vs. the bull**** posted around here about
the FCC going out of the monitoring biz.