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Old August 9th 03, 12:12 AM
Dee D. Flint
Posts: n/a

"Vshah101" wrote in message
From: (Steve Robeson, K4CAP)

I have seen old
info stay on several websites. The same thing could have happened on


In otherwords: "I can't provide a reasonable alternative".

I am sure I'm right about the club members hating homebrewing.

This could be verified by asking people in the photo if they want to do a
homebrewing project. Many of the people in the photo are still in the


Speculation is not evidence. If you haven't asked them, then there is NO
way you can know.

However, I've let my club membership expire. And, tracking down people in

photo would get very time consuming. Alot of work just to prove a point.

I have other things that I need to do.

If the point is important enough to you to keep repeating it in this
newsgroup then it is absolutely necessary for you to either PROVE the point

Also, if I invite them on a Hamfest that continues to
Fri, Sat night, then I'll bet they will wonder why the Hams are

rather than doing what most people do.

"..what most people do"...?!?!

And what do you think "most people" do? Everyone I know does something
different. No two people do the same thing. A lot of people simply stay
home because they aren't interested in spending their money on bars and

It's ABOUT Amatuer Radio, Vipul...The event is organized FOR
Amateur Radio operators by Amateurs and OPERATING radios.

Other than Field day, an event does not HAVE do be scheduled during Fri,

night. Most people would do more recreational activities during that time.

This is a recreational activity for hams. Besides that, this is only a few
weekends out of the year. There are 52 weekends per year. In the past 12
months, I've gone to 3 hamfests. This means that there were 49 other
weekends for other recreational activities.

Its only because Hams are the type of people that would be at a Hamfest or
operate Sat night. My former co-worker, the Ham that introduced me to a
Hamfest, was fairly anti-social too. Also, he made weekly coffee trips to
Starbucks (alot of calories). He is now out of the country. He is

American, and
he married some Asian girl he met online and he quit his job and moved


What does it matter, Vipul? The event was not organized for "the
non-ham observer".

Sometimes they do try to sign up new members there. The anti-social aspect
would put off the person considering the hobby. That's a reason people


The non-ham who is being recruited needs to know what hams do. Therefore if
they are "put off" by the hamfest, it's quite possible that ham radio is not
the hobby for them just like it's not appropriate for you. We don't need
more people with licenses who are not active.

Most (non-Ham) Americans would expect the Hams would take a break from
operating on Sat night. They would be surprised and disappointed


Why? Why should "they" expect Amateurs to stop doing the very
thing the special even was organized to do...?!?!

Have you ever been to other major events in other hobbies? For example,
people participate in various vehicle rallies where all they do for two days
is cruise their vintage automobile up and down the designated streets.
Other than stopping to eat, they don't take a break to do "other things."

The event more than fulfilled what it was organized to do when they

all day with few breaks. It was not necessary to go all night as well.

could have taken at least a few hours break to do some vacation


That's what most (non-Ham) people would do. Even another hobby group would

a break from that hobby on Sat night and enjoy some of the vacation

at a vacation location. Its only Hams that would continue operating Sat

They saw other Hams on ATV, but not other people in person. I don't expect

you would understand that most people would be disappointed with that.

The majority of other hams would not be disappointed in that. Besides that
most hams that I know are adults and if they decide to partake in other
activities at the site they do so. On Field Day, my husband spent several
hours at a nearby lake fishing as a break from hamming. He didn't need to
make other people go with him. He did what he wanted when he wanted to.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE