Phil ... several? I think that was a requirement when I was a novice in
1962 ... could you give us a year?
73 from Rochester, NY
Jim AA2QA (former WN2CJV, WB2OSP, WA3RJX, N2JH)
"Phil Kane" wrote in message
On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 02:30:27 GMT, Sterling Garwood wrote:
I have a question on mobile/portable operation ... I seem to recall that
the FCC dropped the requirement to sign as portable/mobile with the
region the station is operating in. I can't seem to find any reference
to it. I assume that W9XXX/W5 is good operating procedure but is it an
FCC requirement? I do know that a change in the 90s made W5/W9XXX
equally vaid as W9XXX/W5 ....
Portable or mobile operation have not required a special identifier
for several decades.
73 de K2ASP - Phil Kane
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