"Dee D. Flint" wrote in message igy.com...
"F4ASK" wrote in message
I don't know exactly why French (and other) administration let the CBers
working around the legal band : I think (but only me) this band is not
good enough for HF transmissions... But what about 10 m ? Very
The CB band, being between the 10m and 12m ham bands, will follow the same
physics of radio propagation as the surrounding ham bands. When conditions
are good, you can work the world on a few watts. When conditions are bad,
all the power in the world won't help.
Dee D. Flint, N8UZE
Dee, I wished I were able to keep all of my QST's, but I tend to move
a lot and can't keep hauling everything I'd like.
Anyway, about 10 years ago, QST featured a ham in Texas that kept
records of his 10M activity. He was able to make contacts beyond
ground wave when most everyone else thought 10M prop was closed. It
was a good story and worth looking up if you have access to back
issues or the CD-ROMS.
But power does help, always has, always will. And a few watts may
work, but not necessarily reliably.
There is quite a network of 10M beacons, and you can often hear the
beacons when you hear no other traffic higher up in the band. 10M
just isn't glamorous, some OT hams calling it the "kiddie band." And
you risk running in to the Ten-Tenners (I am told). ;^)
73, Brian