"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote:
"Derek" writes:
So why not give the newcomers a helping hand
instead of slagging them off all the time, Just
REMEMBER you was new to the hobby ONCE.
Yes, I was. And I was definitely NOT "welcomed"
with open arms, offered tea and crumpet, and
made to feel at home at my first few radio club
meetings. In fact, several times I was actually
asked what the he** I was doing there. (snip)
Were you publicly ridiculed, Larry? Did people sit around those club
meetings you went to talking about how superior they were and how inferior
your were? I strongly suspect anything they said to you or about you can't
possibly compare to the negative garbage you've posted in this newsgroup
about today's newcomers.
At this point, newcomers aren't asking to be welcomed with open arms -
that appears to be far too much to ask in this community. Instead, we're
simply asking you to tone down the hateful rhetoric.
Dwight Stewart (W5NET)