Thread: Packet Ops
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Old August 22nd 03, 07:25 PM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Ham Dat Am wrote:
Cindy -- you have to understand you asked a question about illegal CB
operation and Hams are very much against ANY illegal operations on any band.
Kinda like asking an atheist question in a Catholic Church.

Go to --- you will get sympathy there and also probably bad
mouthed about illegal operations. But perhaps you didn't know it was
illegal -- now you do.

Read FCC rules at URL:

As far as your visit to the club meeting -- here in Southern California we
have a youth group of young Hams under the age of 18, about 20 of them. We
have donated lots of equipment to their schools, given them free books, make
a point to welcome them to the repeaters and club meetings. All ethnic
groups and genders are represented. They had a table and setup at Field Day
just for the youth group at the GOTA station. They meet each Thurs eve for a
net on one of our repeaters. Some are involved in Emergency Communications.
We treat all Hams the same, young, old, green or blue. Maybe you live in an
area where the converse is true.

So your comments are like --- this cat is green -- so all cats are
reen --- too generalized.

And your comment about "Old White men" is racist and stupid, as you too
will be old someday. Sooner than you think.

Oh, I don't think Cindy will ever be an old white man! 8^)

Ask yourself a question "When did I start to hate Old Folks ??"
The ones that Tom Brokaw termed "The Greatest Generation".
The ones who made this country the great nation it is.

Old white guys are a legitimate target - and I hope to someday be an old
white guy.