"Walt Davidson" wrote in message
On Thu, 21 Aug 2003 22:50:36 GMT, "Dan/W4NTI" w4nti@get rid of this
mindspring.com wrote:
So what Walt? Your type talkes about the 'rights' of the raghead
murderers. How about the rights of the 9 to 5 innocent victim of the
raghead murders?
And then *I* am accused of racism!!!!! LOL. Zionists take note.
We in the USA actually believed we were safe from that sort of crap.
Time to wake up and smell the coffee, OM.
A large part of your problem is that you just can't seem to accept
that there are people in this world who just don't like you or what
you stand for.
We are dangerous now.
Very! As demonstrated by your rantings. I sincerely hope your
bellicose attitude is not typical of the USA citizenry in general.
73 de G3NYY
Walt Davidson Email: g3nyy @freeuk.com
It is to a large part old boy. Ask the Japs what happened when they did
their sneak attack. Ask Germany how it liked those B17 daylight raids.
**** us off and its hell to pay.