Thread: Packet Ops
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Old August 23rd 03, 12:02 AM
Dee D. Flint
Posts: n/a

"Carl R. Stevenson" wrote in message

"Mike Coslo" wrote in message

But, to answer your paragraph, why would anyone take a group of kids to
an amateur club meeting? It's a completely different environment than
they would be comfortable in. And there is usually business to take care
of at a meeting that would be mind numbing for kids to listen to, like
finances, membership issues, etc. If you really wanted to get them
interested, you would get a few amateurs to meet with the kids on the
kids turf, like a classroom, the local YMCA, places like that. The kids
would be comfortable, only hams who ar interested in public outreach
would be involved, and a program could be put together that would keep
the kids involved and interactive.

- Mike KB3EIA -

I think that getting kids involved with local ham clubs is an excellent
It will socialize them with the older, more experienced hams that can
"elmer" them, show them that there is order and organization, expose
them to programs and activities, etc.

The KEY is finding the RIGHT ham club that will treat the kids the way
they be deserve to be treated as the future of amateur radio, not a club
that will shun and ridicule them as Cindy has described.

Carl - wk3c

Not only that but if the group is larger than two or three, it would be very
wise to arrange it with the club in advance so that they can set aside some
time from the business meeting to welcome the kids and have material
prepared to show them some of the marvels of ham radio. Just springing a
batch of kids on the club is not the best way to introduce the kids to the
club and vice versa.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE