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Old August 23rd 03, 04:35 PM
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"Dwight Stewart" wrote in message
.. .
"WA3IYC" wrote:

A problem only if you take them seriously.

I used to not take them seriously. However, after I start hearing what

written here repeated outside this newsgroup, it is perhaps time to start
taking the stuff written here more seriously. A lot of people, far more

perhaps some imagine, read this newsgroup. Absent an alternative

they have no reason not to believe what they read here, and repeat it
elsewhere. Enough of this and the entire image of this radio service is
dragged down - which is exactly what I think is going on now.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)

You're right, Dwight. If Riley Hollingsworth's words that he spoke to many
groups, many times are correct, then ham radio is dead--or is dying a slow
death. I know and have heard the very conversations you speak of. When I
first heard talk like that on the air when I got my ticket, I was shocked
because I didn't think it was allowed.

There's a repeater here in Dallas. During the last Presidential campaign
and election, the hate spewed on that repeater was horrifying--and that is
not an overreaction. I heard things like that Democrats were the equivalent
of people who "let" things like Hitler happen and, believe me, that is mild.
That is why Larry remarks about my callsign--or anyone else's for that
matter--are such a damned joke. My callsign has nothing to do with the
destruction of the ARS. It is people like Larry and his attitudes that are
destroying the ARS. In Larry's mind, it's probably my fault because he has
to be so hateful toward me because of my callsign