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Old August 23rd 03, 06:05 PM
Dwight Stewart
Posts: n/a

"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote:

Dwight Stewart writes:

Larry, you really need to get off the "liberal"
nonsense. Your attitudes about code are more
liberal than most and your attitudes towards others
are more akin to that of the deep woods redneck
than that of a conservative.

As usual, you don't know what you're talking about.
Liberals want to have the world handed to them on a
silver platter, without having to work to earn their
own way. This is the perfect description of the
NCTA -- they want full HF privileges, without being
bothered to learn a useful communications skill like
the Morse code. (snip)

And conservatives want to end big government. More specifically,
conservatives want to end unnecessary government rules which exist only to
benefit the interests of a certain special interest group. While you and
your ilk (a special interest group) have an interest in maintaining code
testing to reinforce your self-perceived status, code testing itself is
unnecessary today for anything outside that. Therefore, those seeking to end
code testing are more compatible with conservative views, while those
seeking to maintain code testing to reinforce status are more compatible
with liberal views.

I'm not an anarchist, Dwight. I believe that
government has a role in our society, and
maintaining standards in the ARS, an activity
in which citizens are given the privilege of
making use of the valuable and finate resource
known as the RF spectrum, makes sense to me.

Well, that's big of you. The question now is which standards (necessary or
unnecessary), which you answer in the next few sentences.

The "government protection" whine is just
another NCTA strawman. I prefer to think of
it as the government "protecting" the whole ARS,
not just the Morse code and it's testing
requirement. (snip)

Then you support unnecessary government requirements. Code testing serves
no real purpose today, either as a means of insuring communications support
to those outside Ham Radio or as a means to keep riff-raft out of Ham Radio
(you were able to get in). As such, it exists solely to maintain your own
delusions of status and I don't think the government should be maintaining
rules just so you can help yourself feel important.

(snip) "Rednecks," of any region, are usually tough,
self-reliant, moral and decent people. (snip)

You fail that test in many ways. A redneck doesn't need government rules
to be "self-reliant" and your attitudes towards others are certainly not
"decent" or "moral." And, based on your old web page pictures, you clearly
don't look that tough. So, failing that test, we have to look elsewhere for
someone similar to you. And, looking solely at attitudes towards others,
only the deep woods redneck springs to mind.

These people (deep woods rednecks) don't like anybody outside kin or clan,
and just barely, though not always, tolerate neighbors. Does this sound
familiar, Larry? I don't know what you do with your kin, so I won't go
there. However, speaking solely of Ham Radio, you don't like anyone outside
your pro-code testing clan, and just barely, though not always, tolerate
those outside the code testing debate.

Of course, this is only a perception. Since you obviously have a different
perception of yourself, we're never going to agree. As such, I'll drop the
comparative speculation at this point.

Dwight Stewart (W5NET)