The BPL of rrap
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August 26th 03, 06:08 PM
Steve Robeson, K4CAP
Posts: n/a
(Len Over 21) wrote in message ...
In article ,
(Steve Robeson, K4CAP) writes:
(Len Over 21) wrote in message
This newsgroup is about AMATEUR RADIO POLICY.
Dwight, Lennie makes this assertion when it becomes obvious that
he's been bested, especially by someone he considers below his social
The special recall election in California is NOT about amateur radio.
Who cares? YOU are the one who is always suggesting OTHERS are
trying to be "moderators", yet here YOU are demanding that someone
change the subject.
Go figure.
Lennie will rant on and on about Japan, his days as an "enginer",
and his stellar career as a "contributing editor" of a magazine that
wwent belly-up.
Please use a spellchecker when you become so enraged.
And demanding even more.
I was an Associate Editor at HAM RADIO magazine...(SNIP)
Yeahyeahyeah...Same old song.
I was, and continue to be an electronics design engineer both as
professional (paid) and amateur (unpaid).
But still not a licensed Amateur Radio Operator. The rest, since
by YOUR rules is NOT relevent to Amateur Radio, is moot and should be
taken to another forum.
The fact of the matter is that I've DONE IT, have the documentation
and enough witnesses to convince any court except the vigilantee
groups who only want to destroy others while spewing forth hate and
vomit on those who've done things.
For the purposes of THIS forum you have yet to do anything except
rant, antagonize and demean those who HAVE "DONE it"...
No FCC Form 660 = No Amateur Radio.
Steve, K4YZ
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