"Larry Roll K3LT" wrote:
Dwight Stewart writes:
Pay attention, Larry. I'm not Brian.
I, and my fellow PCTA's, have been doing that for
years here on this newsgroup, Fidonet, and in the
editorial pages of the ham magazines. (snip)
No, you've been ranting. If you had proven code testing serves a purpose
today worthy of a specific government requirement above and beyond all other
operating modes, code testing would not be going away.
Now, it's your turn. I axed YOU to "prove" that
"code testing serves no real purpose today." So
do it. Provide your "proof," make it convincing,
and do it right now -- or you will have just
provided "proof" that you don't know what you're
talking about!
The proof is obvious, Larry. Code has disappeared or is disappearing in
all other radio services. Since code testing was established as a license
requirement to help maintain a pool of skilled radio operators and code has
now virtually disappeared outside ham radio, code testing no longer serves a
purpose as a license requirement. Code testing is disappearing exactly
because of that.
That's because we have a dumbed-down culture, and
one voice cannot change an entire culture. Six
years ago, (snip)
Ah, the dumbed-down culture myth again. People today are not as dumb as
you'd like to think they are, Larry. And they're certainly no dumber than
some of those in our generation or in previous generations.
Dwight Stewart (W5NET)