Station grounded to central ground (10 foot ground rod in Georgia Clay tied
to 60 radials each 60 feet long 1" below the surface put in before the house
was built.)
Power unplugged all antennas grounded via the antenna switch.
1/2 of G5RV up 40 feet, antenna vaporized with only bits and pieces found,
the other half undamaged. Came in via powerlines and antenna. All electronic
devices in the house destroyed
All antennas on 80 foot tower were untouched.
main stroke followed the powerlines in the attic. The overpressure blew
vinyl siding off the house.
In the hamshack the voltage exited the coax from a coiled section burning
the rug. TS-830 and 440 destroyed in spite of being unplugged. 6 foot color
TV, electronic air cleaner, VCR etc all destroyed. The only electronic
survivor was a bedside GE $10 radio alarm clock.
This is a rural setting on 29 acres. Closest house 1/2 mile away. All
utilities underground from the road to the house. Closest overhead utilities
are 1600 feet away.
"Thierry" To answer me in private use wrote in message
Was your house/shack stroken by Thor's hammer, I mean a lightning recently
I am interested in your experience...