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Old August 30th 03, 08:34 AM
Gray Shockley
Posts: n/a

On Sat, 30 Aug 2003 1:04:40 -0500, mezmerized cows wrote
(in message ):

Ham radio started going into the toilet shortly
after Dick Bash published his infamous "study
guides". Later after the ARRL went crying to the
FCC to publish the question pools (to put Dick Bash
out of business because *his books* were out-selling
the ARRL study guides 10 to 1 at hamfests and mail
order) it sealed the "initial cycle of dumbing down" for
Amateur Radio - and we are now where we are today
as a DIRECT result of the same.

All because *one ham* in Alaska managed to singlehandedly
'step on the proverbial toes of a publishing company' in Newington
Conn. and in their response, they decided to not only throw out
the baby with the bathwater, but also rip the tub out of the wall
and toss it out the 2nd story window...

These are the true facts of the matter.

That's very sweet but exactly what does it have to do with shortwave

A lot of hams seem to think that SWLers are - automatically - interested in
ham stuff.

I doubt that the hams that crosspost into realize how
badly they make hams look.

Gray Shockley
Entropy Maintenance Technician
Tao Chemical Company
Vicksburg, Mississippi US