"Brian" wrote in message
"Dan/W4NTI" w4nti@get rid of this mindspring.com wrote in message
"Brian" wrote in message
(N2EY) wrote in message
Heck, from all accounts most of those who set out for Woodstock
got there due to traffic snarls.
I especially like the ones who claimed they were both at Woodstock and
in Vietnam. They probably saw both movies.
The summer of 1969 was when human beings first set foot on the moon.
what I think of first when that time is mentioned.
I was 11. I remember selling flower seeds door to door to earn a West
Ben fishing pole. And my Dad getting orders to Thailand.
So what has all this do do with code?
My my Brian....how is it so hard for you to figure a person could be a
veteran of VN and be at Kent State also?
Do you confuse Kent State and Woodstock often?
You really must be a dumb ass.
Of course it's possible.
I was at Kent State visiting my cousin the evening before the shootings.
The national guard had blocked the streets and the kids were running up
down the street throwing rocks, etc.
I had my military ID checked by the Guard on my way out of town. The
day the shootings occured. ( I was in-active reserve status).
I was discharged in 1968. I went back to Thailand as a civilian
Back to Thailand? When were you there the 1st time? And are you
somehow implying that Thailand and Vietnam are the same place?
returned stateside in December of 69. My original home is Alliance,
Thats about 34 miles South of Kent, Ohio.
Are you related to Bruce Bunion/WA8ULX?
You can now wipe the slobber off your chin.
You completely forgot the part about you being at Woodstock and
And the part about what this has to do with the code.
I changed the subject header, because it has nothing to do with the 'code'.
You are the one that is confused Brian. I never said a thing about
Woodstock and Vietnam and Thailand.
I said I was discharged in 1968. And yes I was in Thailand several times
during that period. I was also in Vietnam during that period. In fact,
just to make you happy here is a list of countries I was in from November
1965 to April of 1968.
All of which were TDY (Temporary Duty) from Okinawa.
In April of 1967 I went for a full tour to Vietnam, leaving in April of
1968. Went stateside for 3 months and was discharged in July of 1968. Was
placed on inactive reserve status for two more years in order to complete my
6 year military commitment.
There is more, but this is pertenant to the discussion.
After returning stateside and dropping by to see my mother I bought a 1 way
ticket to Bangkok Thailand. Where I lived in between working in South
Vietnam as a civilian contractor. I returned stateside December of 1969.
Any questions Brian?