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Old September 4th 03, 11:25 PM
Steve Stone
Posts: n/a

Ok. I should have guessed it was politics. I try to stay out of that aspect
of amateur radio.


Remove "zz" from e-mail address to direct reply.

"Brian" wrote in message
Steve, key words are "Hudson Division." That is an American Radio
Relay League (ARRL) geopolitical region.

So what you received was a political advertisement for an amateur
radio operator, Frank Fallon/n2FF, who wishes to be reelected to his
post as Director, Hudson Division.


"Steve Stone" wrote in message

From my inbox this evening. Anyone have the real story behind what is

on ?


I am writing to inform you of support that is needed for the Hudson

Director Frank Fallon, N2FF. It seems that Steve Mendelsohn plans to
contest Frank's re-election. Why? Your guess is as good as mine!

There is
no reason for Frank to be contested since he has been very active in the
Hudson Division. Frank has been instrumental in being an advocate for

New York antenna legislation. Currently he is pursuing the same

in New Jersey. In addition, he played a major role in persuading
Congressman Steve Israel to introduce the Amateur Radio Emergency
Communications Consistency Act. For those of you who do not know what

is; basically it deals with homeowners associations that ban HAM radio
antennas in condominium dwellings, where a HAM is not insulated (via

against this threat. Frank has done many other important things for

radio. In an age where amateur radio is being challenged more than

ever, we
need HAMS to volunteer for amateur radio for a change. Where others

to do nothing and leave it for the next guy, Frank stands and perseveres

thrust amateur radio forward by getting the job done.

When you receive your ballot in the mail sometime towards

end of September, please support Frank Fallon, N2FF. Remember to send

back on a timely basis. Whether you know it or not, Frank IS doing the

for amateurs on some very important issues that threaten the very

of the future of our hobby. Thanks for your time and support.