Bob Brock wrote in message . ..
On 05 Sep 2003 03:44:03 GMT, (WA8ULX) wrote:
Don't try to lecture me on regulatory ... that's what I do for a
living (and for a couple of major industry organizations, plus
Carl - wk3c
Damn, I thought you were some Techno whizz, no wonder it took you over a year
to upgrade.
An alternative theory could be that he has a life and that upgrade
wasn't a priority. Some of us do have lives you know. You do know
that don't you?
Speaking of no life. Dick is a big-time emergency communicator. Used
to drill 7/8" holes in the rooftops of Missouri's finest. Lives for
the New Madrid earthquake.
But when Hans invited him to join in a QSO using his favorite mode
that he demands everyone else be made to learn, his lame excuse for
not doing so was that he wasn't home at the time. Apparently he can't
go mobile himself.
So much for his emergency skills.