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Old September 5th 03, 06:28 PM
Bob Brock
Posts: n/a

On Fri, 05 Sep 2003 11:13:08 GMT, "Emmersom Bigguns"

"Brian" wrote in message
"Dick Carroll;" wrote in message

Just off the news:

Computer grid operator in Ohio at the beginnining of the Big Blackout,

in response to an

"Our computers are all acting up, too! We don't even know the status of

the stuff around

Yep, lets all put ALL our faith and confidence in Karl and his Komplete
Komputerized Kommunications Konsortium!!

What are you ranting about?

There's a whole spectrum of modes between CW and PSK31 that don't
require computers.

And besides, the power distribution system isn't using amateur radio


He's ranting about all the great engineers that are frothing at the mouth to
get into Ham Radio but can't because of the "CW Boogie Man".
Just what we need, more "rocket scientists".

Also, after reading some of the replies to NCI's petition, you people really
need to invest in spell checkers. LOL every usenet conversation, it's the last dying gasps of
a lost cause.

It goes kind of like..."I can't say anything intelligent, but you
mispelled a word so I have to be right." Posts get the attention that
they deserve.

In your case, it's pretty close to nun.

There, you feel more "right" now?