"Carl R. Stevenson" wrote in message
No Code International's Petition for Rulemaking to the FCC
was assigned RM-10786 and is now viewable for review and
comments on the FCC's ECFS site at:
(type RM-10786 in the "Proceeding" box at the upper left of
this web page to view the Petition and comments filed to date).
Apparently the "RM number" was assigned last week, along with
others on the same topic, but the Petition itself was not visible
due to some sort of file-linking error. That was corrected late
on September 2nd or early on September 3rd, and comments are
now being accepted by the ECFS.
Also, if you would mention that news on this issue can be
obtained via the "Articles" link on the main NCI web page
at http://www.nocode.org, that would be most appreciated.
Carl R. Stevenson - wk3c
Grid Square FN20fm
Executive Director, No Code International
Join No Code International! Hams for the 21st Century.
Help assure the survival and prosperity of ham radio.
Carl you should have instructed your minions to come up with their own
words, almost all the "pro" replies are the same cut-paste responces.
But after reading through some of the replies where people actually wrote
their own ideas, I can see why you just had the fille in the blanks.
By the way, I did not know that so many (as one person put it) Blectronic
engineers were so oppressed, poor little fellas. :-(
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