"Dick Carroll;" wrote in message
Brian wrote:
Bob Brock wrote in message
. ..
On 05 Sep 2003 03:44:03 GMT, (WA8ULX) wrote:
Don't try to lecture me on regulatory ... that's what I do for a
living (and for a couple of major industry organizations, plus
Carl - wk3c
Damn, I thought you were some Techno whizz, no wonder it took you
over a year
to upgrade.
An alternative theory could be that he has a life and that upgrade
wasn't a priority. Some of us do have lives you know. You do know
that don't you?
Speaking of no life. Dick is a big-time emergency communicator. Used
to drill 7/8" holes in the rooftops of Missouri's finest. Lives for
the New Madrid earthquake.
But when Hans invited him to join in a QSO using his favorite mode
that he demands everyone else be made to learn, his lame excuse for
not doing so was that he wasn't home at the time. Apparently he can't
go mobile himself.
So much for his emergency skills.
And it's true, I WASN'T at home-that time. But where were YOU when K0HB,
N2EY, W6RCA, AC6XG, W3RV and
I--Did I forget anyone?- held that nice rrap CW net on 40 meters???
Ooooo, demmit! I missed something good here. That's what I get for picking
and choosing posts most of the time. Anyway, Brian, did you see a couple of
months ago where I posted the question to Dick about just what it would take
for the establishment of a disaster station for CW operation? As far as I
know, he never answered!!!! And, of course, it's because he knew he was
getting set up--we all know it would actually take quite a bit to be ready
to establish a disaster response CW station--and that was the set up. I was
going to ask DICK if he was ready...
Oh, I almost forgot- you're STILL waiting for a code free license!
As for emergency gear, I have all that in a pair of metal equipment
cases, ready to grab and go, if and
when needed. I'll take along a laptop just in case the need happens to be
for a digital mode. AND my
Vibroplex Iambic paddle for CW.
PAH!!!! Grab and go. All of that?! You have got to be kidding...but wait,
there's mo
For power I have a lightweight switchmode AC supply AND an 800 watt
inverter. One does need to be
flexible doesn't one?
Oh. OK. So, uh, don't persecute me here because I am lowly slow-code
Tech+, but where you gonna get that AC and what if your car is crunched;
and/or even when it runs out of gas? And, if you've got all this "stuff"
ready to chuckle grab and go...and your vehicle is crunched, the trees are
down so much that you can't move, or any number of other quite likely
situations in a disaster, how will you choose to establish your CW station
then, Dick? Really, let's drill it.
After all, the need could be for something hightech and digital. But the
possibility always exists that those needing to communicat from a disaster
area will have only modest old
CW available.
The higher likelihood, and I think most seasoned EmCom folks will bear me
out on this one, is that there will be many low-power talkies available,
FRS, and the immediate disaster communications would be through simplex
frequencies on 2M and 70cm, along with APRS stations set up and
transmitting. Most disasters would have high hope of skilled CW ops for HW
traffic, though.
One does need to be ready, doesn't one?
Yep. And it doesn't sound like you are. The picture I get in my mind is
almost humorous if it weren't so sad. DICK, standing there with his grab
and go "stuff," wishing he'd thought to wheel mount those metal equipment
cases because they sure are going to be heavy to drag or pick up and carry,
with a tree or two down over his vehicle and the power lines dancing all
over the place around him...with his metal carrying cases right there...
Oh, the the pain, the pain...
So what's YOUR enmergency status,Slim? Do you have "permission" yet?
Dick, W0EX FISTS #3939
He probably would be up, running, established and ready to
communicate--WHILE getting the hell away from danger and to a location as
directed by the local net.