We might also check the Social Security Death index ..

I check it daily. If my name isn't in there, it's gonna be a good day

73 from Rochester, NY
"N2EY" wrote in message
In article ilgate.org,
"K0HB" writes:
Between February 14, 1991 and July 5, 1991, the Commission granted 1,925
new Technician class licenses under the no-code provisions. A couple of
guys have done research which shows that 1,880 of those licenses have
not been renewed or upgraded to a higher class license and are beyond
the two year grace period. That equates to a retention rate of only
That rate is so low that the methodology needs examining. IOW, how did the
"couple of guys" determine their data?
How did they examine the data for every one of those 1,925 licenses? How
they deal with name changes, address changes, and the vanity callsign rule
I'm not saying they were dumb or had an ulterior moive, just that their
analysis methods need to be examined.
Did they check any other license classes?
Any ideas for increasing the reenlistment rate?
Here's one - track down those who did not reup and find out why.
73 de Jim, N2EY
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