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Old September 7th 03, 06:27 PM
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"Rich M" wrote in message

"charlesb" wrote in message
Another ham-bashing Troll.

Assuming that he means what he says, the guy must be an utter moron...

of those who thinks that ham radio and the Internet "compete" with each
other, as if they were rival communications carriers going after the

market... What a dope!

Charles Brabham, N5PVL

I feel he makes an interesting conjecture Charles.

Consider: If one were to set up two PC's with full
internet capability & CD-ROM burners, and six
feet away, two HFham stations with control op's
at a hamfest.

Next you invite 10 young people (14-17 yo) at random who have
no previous exposure to ham radio from the crowd to
choose which items to explore and operate.
Which of these two setup's do you think that
in the end-game, the greater percentage of
young people would choose to bring home if they
had the option to do so?

(My guess is they'll want to download MP3's
from Kazaa or Morpheus instead of calling
CQ on 10 Meters thru a microphone)

- If you can find any teenagers who are not already familiar with that
stuff... Maybe you could find a few in an economically depressed area, might
be worth a try.

Most teenagers I know are already up to speed on the Internet stuff. It's
old hat to them, the kind of stuff they see anywhere and everywhere,
including at school and home.

My guess is that they would show more interest in the ham gear, because at
least it would be something new, that does something different.

Also, a surprising number of teenagers today are seriously interested in
public service. They want to do something good. For these teens, ham radio
has endless potential and yes it most definitely does excite their interest.

So you can take your "The Internet is more interesting that Ham Radio"
attitude, fold it up so that it is all sharp corners, and... Well, I'm sure
you figure out something to do with it then.

The only point that anti-ham troll has, Rich, is the one on top of his head.

Charles Brabham, N5PVL