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Old September 8th 03, 02:02 AM
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a


If (just if) you are referring to me, my comment was the cw had virtually no
interference and I enjoyed it. I have not been in favor of keeping the cw
requirements; I would, however, like to see some exams that might:
1) be slightly (not severely) more difficult.
2) not have the questions and answers published.

PSK31 is one mode that seems to have quite a bit going for it. Personally,
I like the idea of any mode (ascii, amtor, rtty, psk, packet) that does not
require the intervention of a human to keep the information as close to 100%
accurate as possible. A good cw operator would likely be close, voice is
more suspect (especially of transcribing difficult names/addresses), but any
mode which can keep the human out of it is likely (at least in my opinion)
more valuable for certain traffic. Of course, sstv may be invaluable in
other areas. No one mode is 'ideal' for all situations.

I could, of course, ask you to send just one frame of fast-scan tv via
moonbounce - but, as noted, no one mode is ideal for all situations

BTW (and here it comes - I'm putting on the asbestos underwear), I did join
NCI a long time ago. I simply cannot justify the necessity of cw. It has
been pointed out that in the event of a electromagnetic pulse due to a
nuclear blast, most, if not all, modern gear (computers included) would be
toasted. Yes, perhaps the tube stuff would survive, but I suspect that
would be the least of anyone's problems if they were in the area affected by
the emp. Most likely they would not be incoming missiles, they'd be planted
somewhere by terrorists and if you were to experience emp, you'd likely be
toast seconds later by the blast and nuclear radiation anyways.

73 from Rochester, NY

"Brian" wrote in message

Hans, though it pains me to do so, I would suggest censuring amateurs
such as DICK, Larry, Steve, Bruice, Kelly, and Jim as they continually
put forth the idea that an amateur that is not versed in Morse is an
incomplete amateur. Nevermind that this amateur can do PSK31 and

Everyone knows that a picture is worth a thousand words, so if Jim can
send a thousand real words (not ARRL numbergrams or Q-signals) in the
space of one FSTV image, ... maybe he shouldn't be censured. Just
maybe. Get back with me if he passes.

Furthermore they exhibit a throwback mentality, which just annoys me.
OK, you've got your marching orders, as far as you can march on a
boat. So be off with you, Master Chief.


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