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Old September 8th 03, 07:10 AM
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"Dee D. Flint" wrote in message
"Brian" wrote in message
"K0HB" wrote in message

Between February 14, 1991 and July 5, 1991, the Commission granted 1,925
new Technician class licenses under the no-code provisions. A couple of
guys have done research which shows that 1,880 of those licenses have
not been renewed or upgraded to a higher class license and are beyond
the two year grace period. That equates to a retention rate of only

Any ideas for increasing the reenlistment rate?

73, de Hans, K0HB

Hans, though it pains me to do so, I would suggest censuring amateurs
such as DICK, Larry, Steve, Bruice, Kelly, and Jim as they continually
put forth the idea that an amateur that is not versed in Morse is an
incomplete amateur. Nevermind that this amateur can do PSK31 and

Everyone knows that a picture is worth a thousand words, so if Jim can
send a thousand real words (not ARRL numbergrams or Q-signals) in the
space of one FSTV image, ... maybe he shouldn't be censured. Just
maybe. Get back with me if he passes.

Furthermore they exhibit a throwback mentality, which just annoys me.
OK, you've got your marching orders, as far as you can march on a
boat. So be off with you, Master Chief.


I doubt that those who dropped out did so because of these people, this
newsgroup, or the activities of hams on the air or on the internet. It's
unlikely they even know about this newsgroup let alone frequent it.

Since this is their daily bread, I would dare say that DICK, Bruice,
Kelley, Steve, and Jim know about aqnd frequent this news group,

are probably people who lost interest years ago

Perhaps, but they must beeeee hurd.

due to the fact that they
were not into radio as a hobby but simply to talk to spouses and children
around town.

They've never mentioned children, cept DICK who claims grandchildren.

As cell phones became cheap and service improved, there was no
reason for these people to continue in the hobby. We probably also lost
some due to lack of elmering but if they don't let us know they are out
there, we can't find them to elmer.

No $hit, $hurlock. Ever hurd of the Novice Subbands?

You might as well call them Novices' because that's all the attention
they got.

Some of those hams never got even a 2m
handheld let alone another radio. They never followed up by joining a club
to get more exposure to ham radio and elmering in ham radio.

Dee D. Flint, N8UZE

According to DICK and Kelly, there was more mentoring going on than
you could shake a baton at.