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Old September 8th 03, 07:29 AM
Larry Roll K3LT
Posts: n/a

Any ideas for increasing the reenlistment rate?

73, de Hans, K0HB



1. - Return U.S. Amateur Radio licensing standards to Pre-Restructuring levels,
including 5, 13, and 20 WPM code testing for Novice, Gen/Adv, and Extra-class

2. Tell the entire NCTA to sod off.

3. Get the ARRL to plow every dime's worth of it's net worth into a national,
televised advertising campaign. Get ham radio into the public eye, and stress
the FUN, not the public service (i.e. the work and worry).

4. Get the ARRL to enlist the assistance of any and all celebrity hams in the
accomplishment of #3 above.

5. Get the ARRL to stop pandering to the Welfare State mentality (related to
#1 above.)

73 de Larry, K3LT