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Old September 8th 03, 10:12 AM
Brian Kelly
Posts: n/a

(Brian) wrote in message . com...
Jack Twilley wrote in message ...
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"Brian" == Brian Kelly writes:


Brian One will get ya ten that Farnsworth was an expert on the
Brian subject BEFORE he/she invented that wheel and took it public. I
Brian find the concept of you, admittedly struggling to get off a
Brian notch above ground zero in this game, "facilitating" the
Brian learning process for others just a tad problematic.

Out of curiosity, have you seen the page or are you still blocked on
the concept of a student assisting other students?

Jack, "students teaching students" is at the core of the FCC's
mandated Novice subbands. I hadn't been aware that Kelly was against
this concept and the implementation of it.

That's correct Burke.

Expanding a bit on the subject it's a *helluva* lot more difficult
today for a newbie interested in becoming CW-proficient today than it
was 'wayback. And that includes 5 wpm Extras like Jack. It'll become
even more difficult if/when nocodes gain access to the HF bands on a
broad scale and decide to get into CW. I don't mean "newbie" in any
derogatory sense, I mean anybody coming from any direction entering
the CW learning process. The mandated Novice bands as you put it were
almost a separate service in my mind, slow code galore, every student
booted evey other student along, unbeatable experience as a learning
exercise with fellow students. And it was all on the air too, was not
this lame computerized "imitation radio" crap newbies have to plod
thru today to get up to useful speeds.

Net result of the demise of the Novice bands as an educational
resource is CW newbies today having to flail around on their own per
the pushups Jack is going thru. Us OFs had it *much* easier in
comparison and we had a helluva lot more fun too. The concept and
implementation of the Novice license was one of the best ideas the FCC
ever had and you bet I support it.

