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Old September 9th 03, 12:44 AM
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a

You have a point, Dick. I wouldn't have a problem retaining CW for the
highest class; I just don't see it as *absolutely* necessary for all

There are times I think I have a handle on how things should be; then, when
I get a question concerning the length of a dipole from an extra class
licensee, I begin to really wonder. My own belief (and it is personal
opinion) is that all extras could not be renewed at the end of their term.
To gain a new extra (and, indeed, any new extra class licensees), the person
would have to be certified in emergency communications - including
participation in groups. Also, for at least that highest class of license,
the question pool and answers should not be published. Questions as to
resonant frequency, lengths of dipoles, Ohm's law (and, come on guys,
something a little tougher than a simple series or parallel circuit), and
such should be randomly generated at each exam (same program made available
to VEs, just that each exam would be unique). Answers should be fill in the
blank and accurate to 3 places. At least that way we could ensure that at
least one group of amateur operator would be helping to justify the
existence of all. BTW, I am not certified and would hope to be able to
become so sometime in the near future (new job and finally straight days).
Once that level was achieved, the license would be renewable provided
current participation/certification were to be presented. After age 65, it
would be renewable with no further requirements for life.

73 from Rochester, NY

"Dick Carroll;" wrote in message
Jim, as you probably know, Johnny Johnston, former longtime head of the

and Citizen's Division at FCC, has stated in his own comments to the NCVEC
petition-which he helped to draft- that no amateur not skilled in

radiotelgraphy can
accurately be considerred an expert, an Extra class. So it looks like NCI

is against the
very concept. That should come as no surprise, though considering. After

all, it's only a


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