NCI Petition for Rulemaking
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September 12th 03, 07:05 PM
Posts: n/a
(Brian Kelly) wrote in message . com...
S. Hanrahan wrote in message . ..
On Wed, 03 Sep 2003 11:22:58 -0700, Jack Twilley
It took me a little over 6 months to go from nothing to 20 WPM. I
passed the 20 WPM code before I took the General written exam.
When I "did" my Extra ya had to pass both the writtens and the code
test at the same sitting or wait a month and go back and do *all* of
it all over again.
Heck yes. In fact it went something like this:
First, ya had to have a General or Advanced for at least two years
before they'd even let ya try the Extra.
Then ya had to pass the receive test with at least 100 correct
consecutive legible characters. No going back and fixing things after
the code stopped, either, after the last dit it was PENCILS DOWN or ya
flunked right there.
If ya passed the receive, they let ya try sending with their straight
key or *your* speed key. You sent until the examiner was satisfied.
Only then did they let you try the written. Mess up at any point -
even one character or question - and it was "go home and study some
more and don't come back for at least 30 days". No CSCE, no partial
credit, nada, do it all first try at one sitting or it doesn't count
at all.
Dinosaur? Who ME?
73 de Jim, N2EY
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