Nelson, right now, there is NO Advanced-class test. Advanced-class
licensees are currently being grandfathered, but no new licenses are being
issued for the Advanced class.
Cheat sheet? Under current conditions, a U.S. Amateur Radio License exam is
based on a fixed question pool. The questions and their corresponding
correct answers are available.for just a couple of bucks from any American
Amateur Radio retailer, and for free from many on-line websites. These
materials are intended for study purposes only; "Cheat sheets" or any other
material designed to falsely pass an Amateur Radio exam could result in
automatic failure, fines, and/or permanent denial of license privileges.
- Mike KI6PR
El Rancho R.F., CA
"Nelson" wrote
El Gorah, Egypt a Yank no less tried to
sell my friend a copy of this, ok so him and I were a little game, we
the thing from him, guess its seems to be all the right answers for the
Advanced test, so my question is now how many of these things are there
there, and how guys are for real, not some two bit cow-boy that knows
nothing about nothing. What happens when we need those guys in a emergency
and they don't know crap!!.
Guys if you know of other cheat sheets out there, please send them this
I will do my level best to get them out.
Nelson Stevens