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Old January 27th 04, 06:28 PM
Steve Nosko
Posts: n/a

With great puzzlement Steve attempts a reply ...

"The Eternal Squire" wrote in message

If the capacity hat is at the bottom, what will then be at the top? The


But...but. Isn't that BIGGER than the capacity hat? Therefore a BIGGER
problem to hide from the neighbors...?

What were you intending to put at the bottom of the "non-inverted"
version? Radials, or just a ground rod?

Ground is lousy in Tucson whe
1) There is sand all over the place.

OK, now were getting a better picture of your constraints.

2) I'm on the second floor so my ground wire would radiate anyway.

Won't touch the radiating ground wire here.

OK... Second floor out of how many? If you're at the top, can you
put some ("invisibly hidden") wires up over the roof? Along the outside

3) I can't be sure of building grounds.

That's irrelevant. A building ground is never an antenna ground (except
for special cases). People seem to think there is something special about
the "real ground", but that's another complete subject.

Getting back to the problem @ hand, you need to construct a self contained
antenna (both halves).

4) I can't bury my radials. Best to hide them in plain sight as innocent.

Yea. With some of that invisible paint. Sorry, couldn't help
myself, just being silly.

SWL wires of #30 Kynar, invisible beyond 5 feet.
Therefore, a counterpoise makes better sense for me. Basically:

/ \ Birdhouse

hides feedpoint.
| o |
---------------=====--------------- 1/4 Lambda radials disguised as
invisible dipole.
O Helical wound around 15 foot "support

O for birdhouse.
-------- Capacity hat

buried in the sand.

Yup. That's the picture I was getting.

But whoa! Hold on there partner. You really seem to be upside down in
your thinking or I been smoking bad stuff... "Buried capacity hat" ...
Yikes! You said above that you can't bury the radials! This is confusing.
You say that you can "bury" a "capacity hat" (relatively small) yet "show" a
radial system (relatively large). I still say you can make the capacity
hat = "disguised as invisible dipole" and put the radials in the sand.
Septin' you said you are on the second floor... Am I bitin' on something I
shouldn't be bitin' on here fellas?

IF "SWL wires of #30 Kynar" are invisible, then how about an "SWL dipole".

It would seem to me that the bird house could be a pretty good "capacity
hat" ......

I understand. Fortunately, no squirrels, just pigeons.

Be creative. Bigger house.... Hey! I just realized you were saying
"bird house" and I was thinking "Bird feeder". Add a Bird house/feeder
combo with a "seed catching tray" for all the "seeds that get knocked off
the feeder". I have birds that intentionally knock seeds to the ground up
here in glacial deposit country (Illinois)!

..Now, the question is, how much de-tuning will the bigger birds have

Stand-by fellas. I have to go out and chase the owl off my antenna to

the antenna tuned back to the top of the band.

I doubt for QRP it is going to matter much

The very same amount as with QRO, friend.

How about a nice 9/11 honoring, patriotic "flag pole". Wink, wink, nudge,

Whew!...You got more constraints than Carter had pills... Collecting
match book covers is a nice hobby. I have quite a collection I'd be willing
to donate to get you started (and distracted).

Then there's IRLP / EchoLink?

73, Steve
Steve N, K,9;d, c. i My email has no u's.. and my brain hurts.