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Old January 28th 04, 01:28 AM
Stephen Cowell
Posts: n/a

"Steve Nosko" wrote in message
With great puzzlement Steve attempts a reply ...


But whoa! Hold on there partner. You really seem to be upside down in
your thinking or I been smoking bad stuff... "Buried capacity hat" ...
Yikes! You said above that you can't bury the radials! This is

You say that you can "bury" a "capacity hat" (relatively small) yet "show"

radial system (relatively large). I still say you can make the capacity
hat = "disguised as invisible dipole" and put the radials in the sand.
Septin' you said you are on the second floor... Am I bitin' on something

shouldn't be bitin' on here fellas?

You can't put the voltage end of an antenna
in the dirt... you're working into a short. It
*has* to be the normal way, since we are talking
about ground here.

Just do the cap hat in wire-wrap wire
like you were going to do the counterpoise...
I see no need to invert the thing.

Not to mention the difficulty in lowering
the antenna every time you add food...
what about the hazard of invisible wires
to birds? Sounds like you're creating
a bird-mangling device.

A pox on all deed restrictions regarding