End of CW in Ireland
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September 19th 03, 06:42 AM
Len Over 21
Posts: n/a
In article ,
(Larry Roll K3LT) writes:
Your half-century old experiences in military communications, where, by
your own admission, you never utilized the Morse/CW mode, are irrelevant
to the discussion of Morse code testing requirements within the AMATEUR
Radio Service in 2003.
No more "irrelevant" than your constant BULL**** about morsemanship.
EVERYONE ELSE in radio but certain amateurs, maritime radio
included, have dropped morse code modes. Morse doesn't work
well enough for communications...doesn't really "get through when
nothing else will" and isn't a "universal language."
I've been far more INVOLVED with civilian communications than any
early military radio. On the engineering level, not as an amateur
In fact, as a person who does not use the Morse
code for any reason whatsoever, you are self-disqualified from rendering
any judgment on the topic whatsoever.
Hey, like you are "qualified to land any human resources (personnel)
job because of your alleged high grades" and wind up driving a BUS?
Like you've NEVER worked any military communications in your entire
TWENTY except a telephone on your desk?
Tell me all about your "qualifications" for judgement about anyone, big
shot. You seem to forget all the BS you were spouting about "summa
cum laude" and "landing any (important) job you wanted." You wound
You NEVER HAD to do military communications 24/7 anyplace so ALL
you can use as a judgement reference is as an AMATEUR, playing
around in a radio hobby, bragging up a storm like you were Marconi
Roll, you are RETROGRADE as an AMATEUR. All you want to do is to
keep everyone else in amateurism DUMBED DOWN to 1930s standards
and practices.
That's all you are "qualified" to do, Roll. Spread RETROGRADE BS to
all newcomers.
Therefore, I suggest that you
stop wasting your time, find something you know something about (which
from my personal observation seems to be limited to megalomaniacal,
ego-driven character assassination) and talk about that, instead.
Ho ho ho!
Boy, you lookin in da mirro again when makin messages! :-)
Where is that big "human resources" job you said (so many times) you
could get?
You can't even get anyone to do a PSK31 contact with yet you make all
the 1930s noise about morse code!
Roll, despite your snide EGO in over-drive, I've not only done what I say
I've done, but I have the references and the proof, including being friends
with radio amateurs who can testify as to what we did.
All you have after a twenty in the USAF and that alleged degree (where you
said you could get any personnel job you wanted) is driving a BUS.
You are not influencing anyone on the topic of code testing.
You are beyond "influence," Larry Ego.
If you had all that personal "power" and "moral resolve" you brag about
having, then you COULD have gotten a good job in personnel and worked
your way up. You didn't. You opted OUT. Took the EASY route. No
strain, no pain.
All you are is an AMATEUR at a level of the 1930s standards and
practices in amateur radio. No more. Your BS doesn't work. All YOU
are "qualified" in is hoop-jumping to old, old rules, and shoveling manure
with your degree showing.
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