Thread: Appalling...
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Old September 20th 03, 11:45 PM
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"Clint" rattlehead at computron dot net wrote in message
OH, you're logic (or lack thereof) is SO easy to beat!
But i'll do it anyway, even though there isn't a challenge in
it.... i'll do it by anology.

Oh are so advocating something.

yes, i'm advocating changes to the LAW, not directly
to people... a change that is more of a freeing up,
a liberation if you will, than an imposing of ideas
or an order onto people.

I'm advocating the "stopping" of something,
not the "imposing" of an idea onto people.

If you had a law passed that said "everybody must
wear a blue shirt in order to get a job", then, that
is IMPOSING something on somebody, perhaps
against thier will. If you successfully do it, than
you HAVE imposed something upon PEOPLE.

if I, then, advocate removing that law, saying "I
think that a person shouldn't HAVE to wear a
blue shirt, as it's not necissary to do a job.. you
can wear any color shirt you like", how is
that IMPOSING anything on a person?

OH, I get it.. you say that by advocating freedom
of choice, i'm burdening people!

When a standard must maintained, whether it be a ham license, or a pilots
license, then a test is required. Otherwise the quality goes down.

CW is a tradition in the ARS. It is a valuble mode of communications.
However, it requires a certain amount of dedication and desire to maintain
your ability to work the mode.

In otherwords advocating freedom of choice has nothing to do with getting a
ham license. People SHOULD NOT be able to force a change on the licensing
authorities, based mainly on being too lazy to try to meet the standard.

Why should those of us that have the dedication have to be forced to have
our privlidges reduced by those among us that are too lazy to bother to meet
the standards we did? Should be rejoice at this? I don't think so.

"we shouldn't make people put up with all these
freedoms of decision! we should MAKE them
do what WE think they should do!"

just what does that, or WHO does that, sound

And if your to dumb to know
what it is......your advocating the ellimination of Morse Code from the
Amateur Service. Care to try that again?

and ONCE again, you have revealed the SPIN that the PCTA is
trying to put on people such as myself. People like myself simply
advocate the removal of TESTING. Why do you fellows REFUSE
to ackowledge that? you don't like the idea that we are advocating
freeing up unnecessary legislation and regulation, so you try
to SPIN it into us saying "we want morse code OFF the ham bands!"
and it's not true.

We know that is what you SAY. The reality of the situation is based on the
simple knowledge that human beings will take the easy way. Once CW testing
is elliminated, CW use will eventually dissapear. Folks simply will not
bother to learn it.

I honestly don't think that 5 words per minute is asking too much to gain
access to a large part of the spectrum. I can see your bitch about 20 and
maybe even 13. But for GAWDS sake....5wpm....ANYONE can do that.
Especially with the multiple guess test. Give it a rest. Pay your dues.
Even if it is only half price...or less.

I think you want to frighten people into believing that, because the truth
finds a much better flavor with most people..... but, you won't succeed,
because each and every time you try to spin the issue you will be

by others such as I.

Im not spinning a thing. Im telling the truth and you cain't stand it.

REPEAT: I, and most other NCTA's out there, advocate ONLY the
removal of morse code TESTING; not it's ELIMINATION from the
ham band.

See my comments above...think about it.


See? you're argument fails because you're trying to argue the wrong point.
