As you probably know by now, tonight Art Bell returns
to host Coast to Coast AM. In honor of this (his latest
return from retirement...again) we present:
******* The Art Bell Drinking Game ********
taken from
Supplies needed for play
*One bottle of Wild Turkey Bourbon per player
*One six-pack of beer per player preferably
generic or Rolling Rock to keep with the Art
Bell theme
*One shot glass per player
*One 16 oz beer mug per player
*One AM radio or Internet RealAudio set to to
How to play :
Tune your radio to Art Bell Coast to Coast or Dreamland
When Art uses the words "anomaly" or "paradigm" incorrectly, everyone
drinks a shot of wild turkey.
When Art uses the words "anomaly" or "paradigm" correctly, everyone guzzles
a boilermaker.
When Art uses the phrase "It's all starting to come together" everyone must
remove an article of clothing and yells: "Beam me up Scotty!
(this part has no effect on the outcome of the game, but it's a hell of a
lot of fun).
Winning the game :
The last person to remain conscious wins the game. Under normal conditions,
a winner is determined in the first 45 minutes of Art's show.