In article , "Clint" rattlehead at
computron dot net writes:
*ahem* Larry thinks that just because he could not handle an intelligent,
good-looking, self-starting, independent woman such as myself, that all
are as weak and obsessed with material things as he is...
Pay no mind... his kind is in the minority.
I was about to SAAAAY.....
And, what's MORE, it sounds as though he's passing a terrible judgement on
by wishing to use the idea of a date with you "a punishment".
Actually, I thought it was quite hilarious!
I have no idea
what you're personality is like or how attractive you are, but I was
certainly going
to give you the benifit of the doubt in the intelligence area because you're
a ham
radio operator....
That's very kind of you, Clint. Very kind, indeed!!!
73 de Larry, K3LT