In article , Mike Coslo
Especially if there is that beer and barbaque involved as well! 
I am liking the idea of a rrap meet at Dayton. If it isn't as muddy as
this past year, we could tailgate!
I bid for Yuengling Lager, Genny Red, or if we can get a designated
driver, Unibroue Maudite! And Ribs and Chicken, or cow on the cob.
- Mike KB3EIA -
Considering the infamous vagaries in the WX at Dayton that time of
year, I think an indoor venue would be best. A restaurant with a good-
sized banquet room would probably be best, since then everyone
could eat and drink whatever they wanted. Is anyone familiar enough
with the facilities available in the Dayton area to make any suggestions?
73 de Larry, K3LT