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Old September 25th 03, 06:30 AM
Ryan, KC8PMX
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Default Reflections on rrap

Message recieved. Will place hope towards getting that time off in some
form of a miracle too.

Ryan, KC8PMX
FF1-FF2-MFR-(pending NREMT-B!)
--. --- -.. ... .- -. --. . .-.. ... .- .-. . ..-. .. .-. . ..-.
... --. .... - . .-. ...


We'll see how many people we can get to commit to being there. As I
already said, I won't know until the vacation bids are done at the end
of the year. However, considering that Dayton usually falls during a
time of the year that is relatively free of other holidays, it should be
quite doable for me. I'm going to start looking in to a hotel reservation
in a place with a party/conference room big enough to hold us, unless
someone else already has done so and can arrange for the venue.
Let's keep this on the back burner, but with the heat turned up a bit.

73 de Larry, K3LT