In article , Dick Carroll
N2EY wrote:
How about this approach:
Two typical ham rigs are set up so that the operators of each one cannot
see or
hear each other. The rigs might be connected to dummy loads which are
adjacent to each other. (The idea is to permit a "contact" from one rig to
other, without putting much of a signal on the air).
Could be done using Part 15 rules levels with any type of gear.
But the best way is to use real live ham gear.
The testee and a VE sit at
one rig, and another VE sits at the other. The testee is given a sealed
envelope and a few minutes to get familiar with the operation of the rig.
operating instructions for the rig would be available at any time).
When the actual test begins, the testee opens the sealed envelope and a
is started. Inside the envelope are a set of instructions telling the
testee to
go to a specific frequency and call the VE at the other rig, make contact,
send the enclosed formal message. The VE at the other end has a similar
envelope, but with a different message, which is to be received by the
The idea is to test the actual radio operating skills of the testee under
controlled conditions. There would be a time limit, too. (That's what the
is for). The testee would have the choice of CW, voice or a digital mode
the test.
Time limits and exact instructions would vary with the mode and the class
license being tested. Higher class tests could have shorter time limits,
messages, and more complicated instructions, such as having to change
at a certain point in the contact, having to pick the frequency from a list
that includes "wrong choices", etc.
Scoring would be on the basis of mistakes. If a word in the messages is
or misspelled, that's a mistake. If nonstandard procedure or phonetics are
used, each deviation is a mistake. If the time limit is exceeded, each
over the limit is a mistake. Exceed a certain number of mistakes and the
is failed. Asking for a repeat of a missed word would NOT be a mistake.
Typical exams (but not the exact exams themselves) would be available as
guides. Audiotapes of typical tests could be used for study as well.
Yes, it's a bit more complex than a straight code receiving test, and
some equipment and two VEs to conduct it. (Perhaps the VE at the testee's
position isn't really needed). But it could be done quite easily, and in
such a
way as to test real operating skills. The rigs used need not have lots of
features, and QRP power levels would be more than adequate. Or a "rig
simulator" that's really a gussied-up intercom could be used.
Is there any real reason such testing could not be done? Is it expecting
much that a prospective ham be able to pass such a test? I think not!
Waddya think?
What??? Make them *WORK* for a license???
Not about "WORK" at all. Doing radio the right way is fun!
Whadda ya think this is, the old Soviet Union or something??
Not at all. It's about operating skills.
For a fact applicants would have to spend some time around active hams
first, instead of just on the CB band.
Whatta concept, huh?
It's probably no surorise that
so many of htem show up on ham radio using CB operating procedures and
In most cases that's because they don't know any better.
73 de Jim, N2EY