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Old September 28th 03, 02:23 AM
Clay N4AOX
Posts: n/a

"Brian Kelly" wrote in message
"Clay N4AOX" wrote in message

Hi Gang,
Curious about this BPL. Is there a technical treatise somewhere on

web that describes exactly how this BPL will be implemented? I am

having a
hard time determining how it works. I live a few miles from what once

TVA's largest substation in their electrical grid/system, maybe one of

largest in the world, fed by 0.5 MV lines. Sooooo lets start with

diagrams. How does it work?

I suggest you start with the ARRL website which is full of info on BPL.


Hi Brian,
Thanks for the pointer. It appears that the BPL folks are going to
cozy up to the 13KV or less power lines, with internet fiber back to the
head end. This will be like your baby crib monitor on steroids. I was
wondering how they pump the 2-80 MHz through the step down transformers.
The literature mentioned a "high pass" filter around the transformer. I
read this as a high voltage, low uF cap. The relatively high inductance
"pole pigs" normally isolate households from noise stuff. If you think you
have trouble with touch lamps in the neighborhood now, just wait until they
add the "high pass" filters around the transformers. Never mind Ed Hare's
attempts to show how the power lines along the street radiate. The very
walls of your house, your christmas tree lights, etc. would radiate 2-80

I remember back in the day when the early CATV providers used cheap
braid shielding on their cable lines. Their Channel 18 was quite
unusable in some localities due to 2 Meter Ham traffic. Of course, that
interference was a two way street also. Imagine what my DXer friend down
the street would do to the internet grid with his 10,000 watt erp into the
BPL powerline/internet coupler. What a hoot!

Don't you love Commissioner Kat's remarks. Essentially: "Suspend
the rules!, Let this fledgling technology flourish! Do they have a sound
plan? H**l no! If we get down in the middle of the deployment of this
enterprise and there are problems we will solve them as we go! Just throw
some tax payers money at it!" Hey, this fits right in with the current
administration, the Tauzin, Dingell committee, etc. and besides,
Commissioner Kat will be retired and sucking on a six figure lobbiest job
by then. Be afraid, be very afraid. --Maybe some sort of "Homeland
Defense" argument would be effective in beating this thing back.

Clay N4AOX