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Old September 28th 03, 03:03 AM
Posts: n/a

Don't you love Commissioner Kat's remarks. Essentially: "Suspend
the rules!, Let this fledgling technology flourish! Do they have a sound
plan? H**l no! If we get down in the middle of the deployment of this
enterprise and there are problems we will solve them as we go! Just throw
some tax payers money at it!" Hey, this fits right in with the current
administration, the Tauzin, Dingell committee, etc. and besides,
Commissioner Kat will be retired and sucking on a six figure lobbiest job
by then. Be afraid, be very afraid. --Maybe some sort of "Homeland
Defense" argument would be effective in beating this thing back.

Clay N4AOX

Heres the solution to the BPL problem, it it makes you wonder why someone as
done it yet.
First stop messing with FCC, these Clowns have all ready made up there minds.
Look at the Present Dumbing Down, which as been brought to us VIA the FCC
Morrons. So believe me they could care less about Hams. And stop waisting your
time sending in your comments to the FCC. If anybody in there right mind thinks
they care about 1800 comments you kidding yourself.
The solution is Simple, go to there Bosses, I dont mean anybody in the FCC I
mean the FCCs Bosses. Tell them how you plan on Voting the next time out if
this passes. Be sure and bring up Homeland Security in your comments. This is
the only thing that will stop this. If you dont think so, remember the Head Man
at the FCC recently got his hands slapped and told he would change another
screw up he recently made.