Cecil wrote,
According to Kraus, his phase-reversing coil can be thought of as 1/2WL
of wire coiled into an inductance. Ideally, that makes the phase of the
current the same on both sides of the coil instead of opposite as it
would be if the coil was not there.
Tom, do you understand self-resonance? The coil between the two half-wave
elements must be self-resonant at the frequency for which the elements
are 1/2WL. A 1/2WL stub performs that function perfectly according to
EZNEC. But there is *NO* value of inductive reactance in EZNEC that will
produce the same effect as that stub. Would you like a copy of those
EZNEC files? Would you like for me to post them on my web page?
73, Cecil, W5DXP
If Kraus really believes that, he's as ignorant as you are. A stub is
not the same as a lumped-component tank circuit. Do the math.
By the way, Cecil, I'm surprised at you. Have you tried *EVERY*
value of inductive reactance in EZNEC? I suspect, though, that the
reason there is no value of inductive reactance that will do what a
stub does at the frequency of interest is that it's impossible due to
the principle of conservation of charge. If you can figure out why I
think that is true, then you get a star by your name.
Tom Donaly, KA6RUH
(PS Take your antenna, with its coil, apart, measure the resonant
frequency of each part, and get back to us with your results.)