Tdonaly wrote:
Adjust the model yourself,
if you think that's what it will show, and put the results on
your website.
Unfortunately, I don't have the modeling software that Wes
is using. And I have already demonstrated the effect using
inductive loading stubs modeled with EZNEC.
Reg has already said that real-world coils with Ls, Cs, & Rs,
can be treated as transmission lines. Rhea's paper on a new
solenoid model agrees with Reg. Have you ever seen a transmission
line less than 1/2WL long where the current-in is equal to the
current-out when there are standing waves present? Even in a
transmission line without reflections, the current-in is never
equal to the current-out in magnitude and phase except for
lossless lines at the N*wavelength points.
Most of this stuff is common sense for anyone who thinks that
reality should dictate the model, not vice versa. Einstein once
said that all our models are flawed.
73, Cecil, W5DXP