"Steve Robeson, K4CAP" wrote in message
I had been skipping over some of the "KC2HMZ" posts, mistaking
them for Bert...But NOW I remember why "HMZ" was familiar!
John was the listowner of an e mail reflector that used to "ban"
members from who didn't heel to his particular viewpoints and
Hey, I think I've heard of John! Does he run the E-mail lists at TAPR? They
ban hams who don't go along with the TAPR "party line". They even banned
Hank Oredson W0RLI, who more or less invented packet BBS's and most of the
operating standards for them - from the TAPR BBS special interest group!
Hank offended TAPR by suggesting that hams use radio to communicate.
I dunno.... Maybe I'm getting him mixed up with John Ackerman. It was some
kind of "John", anyway.
Charles Brabham, N5PVL