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Old October 1st 03, 03:16 PM
Mike Coslo
Posts: n/a

Kim W5TIT wrote:
"Mike Coslo" wrote in message


That's a rather lofty goal, Mike, when considering that folks like


Larry, and lately, you, act the way you do. Think about it. Most of


people to whom sheer disrespect is aimed at are the folks that have no
problem at all with those of you who love, appreciate and admire CW as a
mode and even the fact that you wish it to remain as a part of the test
requirement. But the lack of tolerance displayed by people such as
DICKhead, Larry, you, Dan/W4whatever, and others is overwhelmingly
despicable and beyond being able to "join" together for the cause. The


common ground that may be found is that we are all amateurs. And, I


you'll even admit that.

Whoa there. Kim. Point out what exactly I have done that is so
despicable. Is this some sort of thing where I stand up for Dick, then I
am the same as him? I don't agree with everything he does. I don't care
for him calling people names. I don't care for Larry doing that, I don't
care for Steve and his Lennie stuff either. I've had discussions with at
least Larry and Steve about it.

It's more what you haven't done, Mike, although some of even what you have
done. You can't nudge "this one" in the side, wink at that one over there,
and pat this one on the back and then stand in the middle of the street
suggesting to everyone that we "should all get along."

I most certainly can. I haven't taken you to task for the names you
call Dick, or the recent post to Hans with the PH*****G stuff in it -
and note that I *have* taken Hans to task for it. Changing the spelling
does not change the meaning or intent.

And I'm not going to respond to every post I find inapropriate.

I, for one--and maybe the only one--don't trust people like that. You sit
on the fence. I'm waiting to get spike by the barbed wire.

Sure. I can't be reliably depended on to take the "party line". I make
up my own mind. Many people don't like that at all.

Sorry that you feel that way about me Kim.

Why? I hardly think it's going to have any impact one way or the other on
your every day doings. We don't even know each other.

No, its not going to affect me. But I'm still sorry you feel that way.
I could apologize for feeling that way too, but that would start a
feedbak loop.

- Mike KB3EIA -