"N2EY" wrote in message
In article , "Carl R. Stevenson"
"Brian" wrote in message
. com...
Furthermore, if the US government wants to give all prospective
amateurs 3 hots and a cot, and a paycheck, for the duration it takes
to learn the code, I'd gladly enroll in the CG Morse Code school.
There's one problem ... there IS no CG Morse Code school any
more ...
Sad but true.
the services are NOT teaching their radiomen Morse any
Even if they were - would it make any difference to your opinion of the
for code testing in the amateur radio service?
It would add *some* potential validity to the "trained (in Morse) pool of
operators" part of 97.1 ... however, that is not the case and hasn't been
for some time ...
It wouldn't be a "slam-dunk" in favor of continued Morse testing for
HF ham licenses though.
Carl - wk3c