Thread: Isnt it Funny
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  #23   Report Post  
Old October 7th 03, 01:33 AM
Posts: n/a

"Len Over 21" wrote in message

Now you can get all upset and indignant, Len old boy, but the facts
are the facts.

Noooooo...those are just your OPINIONS. :-)

Not only that, consider the source... you're dealing with another PCTA
type that didn't receive his or her fair share of grey matter such that
self-determination isn't possible... it's just "bleat like the rest of the

"CW test good.... modernization bad.....
CW test good.... mdernization bad...."



The first amendment was meant to protect individual citizen's
rights to free speech from being hindered or banned by the
government. Did anybody else notice that it was 3 candidates
for president of the democratic party that called for Rush
Limbaugh's firing for what he said?