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Old October 7th 03, 07:02 AM
Ryan, KC8PMX
Posts: n/a

I would much rather see the phone companies, like Ameritec in my specific
case, pursue installing more "switching stations" or whatever they are
called, to facilitate the ability to use DSL as a high speed connection.
Seems like that would overall be a cheaper solution. In other counties I am
quite sure it might be a little bit different, but in my county that I live
in, I have heard from Ameritech employees that it would take 4 more
switching stations to provide coverage for the entire county. (It is my
understanding that one must live within a certain range from the switching
stations or whatever they are called to be able to get the DSL service.....)

Ryan, KC8PMX

"Symbolism is for the simple minded....."

BIG--AL wrote in message ...
I must say that I have to praise the FCC for its efforts in looking into
other alternatives for broadband access in Rural America. However, I
disagree with the idea that more spectrum is needed to facilitate this
daunting task.


Frank K3EKO