Carl R. Stevenson wrote:
"Hans K0HB" wrote in message
"Bill Sohl" wrote
Mega Dittos. I especially like the "catch 22"
prohibition of new modes. Frankly I'm surprised
that Joe didn't think of that.
I sent a courtesy copy of my comments to the author of RM-10808. Here
is his response.
73, de Hans, K0HB
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Thanks for taking the time to respond, although your last comment was
a bit strong.
The idea behind the petition was to try to retain some "merit" badge
It's not govt's legitimate purpose to have "merit badge testing."
Seems to me that the amateur should be trusted to do the needed work to
get on the air with whatever method he or she chooses. The test should
reflect the level needed to gain that trust.
For me to get on for example, PSK31, I simply built an interface to
connect the computer to the rig. To have to be tested on that would be a
waste of time.
Odd that the proposer of that seemed to be worried about how much
burden was upon the VE's. his proposal would amount to a huge increase
in work for them. But then he seemed to say they could refuse to test
applicants except in element 2,3,4!
- Mike KB3EIA -